Friday 1 December 2017

Vision Project

Howdy Folks, 

Well we finished our Vision Project 2017 for Group 7 - completed by Rory Theriault, Nicole Crevatin, and myself.

Aside from the camera wobble, I thought the intro was great and the music worked well.  I overheard negative comments about the music choice but I don't think it was something we could see until it was put to the clips. To me this served to demonstrate how much vision the people in the intro group had, so kudos to them. Plus I'm sure the job was not made easy by the copyright restrictions.

I wished the end product could have been a bit longer because I thought we lost some of the authenticity when we had to cut some of the things out. Artistically, I also thought it would have looked better if we had enough people to hold up the signs instead of the same people doing more than one, but that is my critical eye.

Without further adieu, here is our final cut.




  1. I tried to watch your final cut. The url didn't work for me. However, I like you blog and your comments on my blog. This class has been the most interesting for me. I can't really say if I wanted more and I'm happy with what I learned. I guess it's a little of both. I'm very happy the term is closer to over. All together it's been a awesome experience. :)

  2. Yes I did find your final cut. Sorry I just had to try harder. Or do the right thing.

  3. Hey thanks for mentioning the music! Morgan had suggested a list of 8 or so songs, and the one we chose was agreed upon by all four of us after watching it along with our first edit of the intro. We agreed that it added an edge of eeriness, which suited our filming style as well. I was sad to hear that some people weren't happy with the choice, so thank you for your kind words.

    Your guys video is super well done! I particularly love all of the sullen facial expressions, especially Felicia's!
