Sunday 3 December 2017

So Long Folks

Hey there,

This is my last post here so if you happen to be reading I wish to say good bye.

I'll be deleting this come the New Year once my final marks are in.

If any one was interested in following me IRL Twitter is probably the best place, no special handle, just my name, with the same pic that is posted here.

I have a WordPress blog that is temporarily private while I figure out what do with it, so that's out, but I'm always happy to connect on LinkedIn, not Facebawk though, I usually just keep that one for family.

Hope everyone has a great holiday however they choose to celebrate it.

Best of luck on all your future endeavors.


Friday 1 December 2017

Vision Project

Howdy Folks, 

Well we finished our Vision Project 2017 for Group 7 - completed by Rory Theriault, Nicole Crevatin, and myself.

Aside from the camera wobble, I thought the intro was great and the music worked well.  I overheard negative comments about the music choice but I don't think it was something we could see until it was put to the clips. To me this served to demonstrate how much vision the people in the intro group had, so kudos to them. Plus I'm sure the job was not made easy by the copyright restrictions.

I wished the end product could have been a bit longer because I thought we lost some of the authenticity when we had to cut some of the things out. Artistically, I also thought it would have looked better if we had enough people to hold up the signs instead of the same people doing more than one, but that is my critical eye.

Without further adieu, here is our final cut.
